
Prof Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq (Head, Department of Economics and Director, Institute of Islamic Banking, Finance and Economics at UIU), delivered the Bangla segment of Khutba at the Jumuah prayer at Masjid al-Mutapha.

November 2, 2024

Press release: Prof Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq (Head, Department of Economics and Director, Institute of Islamic Banking, Finance and Economics at UIU), delivered the Bangla segment of Khutba at the Jumuah prayer at Masjid al-Mutapha today, focusing on Qur'an-centric life for Muslims and how to build intimacy with the Qur'an. He explained how the transformation of our life as desired by Allah both at the individual and the collective level is essential for our success in this life and Hereafter. He elucidated how Surah al-Fatiha essentially is our earnest prayer to our Rabb to guide us toward Siratul Mustaqim and how the rest of the Qur'an is the response from Him to our prayer. He further articulated how the Qur'an can help us reform and rebuild our society and our civilization. He emphasized understanding the Qur'an (not just recite it) and also illuminate our mind and attitude to serve the humanity as servants of ar-Rahman and ar-Rahim, who is the source of all Rahmah.

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