
Two professors of economics from Durham University, UK, visit UIU

December 11, 2024

On a rather short notice Professor Habib Rahman and Professor Michael Naef (Head, Department of Economics) at Durham University, UK, visited UIU. They are on a World Bank project. They were hosted by Prof. Mohammad Omar Farooq, Head, Department of Economics at UIU. They met and exchanged ideas with some economics faculty as well as some students from Junior Economists Forum. Also, were in presence Prof. M. A. Auwal, a visiting scholar to UIU from California State University, Los Angeles and Dr. Md. Kaium Hossain (SoBE). In a separate part, Prof. Rezwan Khan attended and met the guests. The guests and Prof. Farooq discussed various areas of mutual collaboration. The Department particularly appreciates JEF students for joining the program at such short notice and engage with the esteemed guests.

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