Dr. Mohammad Musa
Professor & Dean SoBE
ROOM: 333 B
PABX: 5000
Email: mmusa@uiu.ac.bd
Ph.D. in Management Science
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA, May 1995.
Major : Finance
Minor: Business Statistics
Masters of Business Administration (MBA).
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, August 1988.
Major: Finance
Masters of Business Administration (MBA).
Institute of Business Administration, Dhaka University, May 1982.
Major: Finance.
Masters of Social Sciences (Economics).
Dhaka University, Bangladesh. May 1981.
Bachelor of Arts (Pass)
Dhaka University, 1977
Dissertation fellowship. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Academic year 1993-94.
Summer Scholarship. School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Summer 1993.
Research Assistantship. School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Academic year 1992-93.
Merit Scholarship. Bangladesh Management and Educational Training-World Bank Project. Dhaka University, Bangladesh. Academic years 1986-87 and 1987-88.
Merit Scholarship. Dhaka University, Bangladesh, for outstanding academic achievement. Academic years 1978-79 and 1979-80.
Awarded Diplomat Associate of the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh.
“Initial Public Offering-The Case of Bangladesh” Midwest Review of Financeand Insurance, Volume 14, No. 1, March 2000. (Co-authored with Dr. Monzurul Hoque).
“Abnormal Returns Around Different Categories of Information Events”Midwest Review of Finance and Insurance, Volume 14, No. 1, March 2000. Chicago,USA,
“The Long Term Performance of IPOs in Bangladesh” Journal of Business Administration; IBA, Dhaka. Volume 27, Number 1 & 2, January & April 2001. (Co-authored with Dr. Monzurul Hoque).
“An Empirical Test of Uncertain Information Hypothesis in Bangladesh Stock Exchange” Journal of Development Areas. Tennessee, USA. Volume 36, Number 2, Spring 2003, pp 85-99. (Co-authored with Mokhdom Morshed).
“An Empirical Test of the Short-term Overreaction Hypothesis Using Data from Bangladesh Capital Markets” Journal of Bangladesh Studies. Vol 1, No. 1, 2005 pp 2945. (Co-authored with Golam A. Faruqui).
“The Behavior of Short-term Returns of Large Capitalization Stocks Traded in Bangladesh Stock Exchanges” Journal of Business Administration, Vol 32 No. 1& 2, January & April 2006 (Co-authored with Morshed, M. & Faruqui, G. A.)
“Investor Protection, Corporate Governance and the Development of Capital Markets” Portfolio, Issue 79, October-December 2014, 18-26
“Investors’ Reaction to Earnings’ Announcements in Bangladesh Stock Market” Market Pulse, Issue 63, April 2012, 35-38
“The Use of PEG as a Tool to Select Securities” Market Pulse, Issue 61, February 2012, 31-35
“The Empirical Evidence of Size Effect in Bangladesh Capital Markets” Portfolio, April-June 2011, pp 6-14
“Abnormal Return in Bangladesh IPOs – Is It An Anomaly or Inefficiency?” in the conference proceedings at the 2001 International Business & Economics Research Conference held in Reno, Neveda, USA. (Co-authored with Dr. Monzurul Hoque).
“Performance of Simulated Managed Portfolios In Bangladesh IPO Market” in the conference proceedings at the 2001 International Business & Economics Research Conference held in Reno, Neveda, USA. (Co-authored with Dr. Monzurul Hoque).
“Is the Security Market Efficient? – An Arbitrage Test” Journal of Business Administration, Volume 25, Number 1 & 2, January & April 1999, pp 1-16.
“The Patterns of Abnormal Returns Around Information Events” Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 23, No. 3 & 4, 1997, pp 1-17
“The Effects of Bid-Ask Spreads on Return Reversals” Midwest Review of Finance and Insurance, Volume 13, Number 1, March 1999, pp 221-233
“Agro-investment Bank (Part I and II)” in Bangladesh Case Studies in Accounting, Finance and Banking, University Grants’ Commission, Dhaka, edited by Gary Mclean and Muzaffer Ahmad, 1989, pp 62-171
“Agro-investment Bank (Local Principal Office)” in Bangladesh Case Studies in Accounting, Finance and Banking, University Grants’ Commission, Dhaka, edited by Gary Mclean and Muzaffer Ahmad, 1989, pp 172-179.
“ABC (Bangladesh) LTD” in Bangladesh Case Studies in Business Management, University Grants’ Commission, Dhaka edited by Gary Mclean and Muzaffer Ahmad, 1989, pp 2-4.
“Performance of Simulated Managed Portfolios In Bangladesh IPO Market”presented in The International Business & Economics Research Conference of 2001 held in Reno, Neveda, USA.
“Abnormal Return in Bangladesh IPOs – Is It An Anomaly or Inefficiency?” presented in The International Business & Economics Research Conference of 2001 held in Reno, Neveda, USA.
“Initial Public Offering-The Case of Bangladesh” presented in Conference of Association of International Business, Chicago, 2000.
“The Effects of Bid-Ask Spreads on Return Reversals” presented in Conference of Association of International Business, Chicago, 1999.
“Post Event Period security Returns and Market Efficiency”. Dissertation Proposal. Presented in FMA Doctoral Student Seminar. October 1993.
Dissertation: Post Event Period Security Returns and Market Efficiency.
Dissertation Committee: Dr. Der-Ann Hsu (Chair), Dr. Richard D. Marcus, Dr. Mark D Griffiths. (Proposal accepted: November 12, 1992).
Abstract: Three different but related empirical studies are presented in this dissertation. The first empirical study examines the patterns of post event security returns to test market efficiency. The study is conducted on large, medium and small NYSE and AMEX firms. The results of the study show that the post negative (positive) event daily risk-adjusted excess returns are significantly positive (negative), consistent with short-term market overreaction. However, the magnitude of market overreaction is size related. The larger the size of the firm is, the smaller is the market overreaction. The results also suggest that neither the turn-of-the-year effect nor the
day-of-the-week effect can explain post event return reversals. The results, however, do not support short-term market overreaction for sub-sample periods 1/81-12-87 and 1-88-12/91 of large firms and sub-sample period 1/88-12/91 of small firms.
The second empirical study examines the shift hypothesis. The shift hypotheses holds that the systematic shift of closing transaction prices from one end of the bid-ask spread to another is largely responsible for post event return reversals. The results of the study provide evidence consistent with the shift hypotheses, although the shift of transaction prices explains only a very small part of post event return reversals. Finally, the third empirical study examines the pattern of security returns around public information events. The patterns of post event security returns are found to be different for different types public information.
Professor, June 2007 – to date
United International University
Professor, Dec. 1998 – May 31, 2007
East West University
Associate Professor, Oct. 1996 -Dec. 1998
North South University, Bangladesh
Assistant Professor, Fall 1995 – Oct. 18, 1996
North South University, Bangladesh
Instructor, Fall 1993
Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Instructor, Spring 1992, Summer 1994, Fall 1994
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Lecturer, Academic year 1985-86
Institute of Business Administration, Bangladesh
Pro-Vice Chancellor, East West University
Dec. 1998 – Dec. 2000 & Dec. 8, 2004 – May 31, 2007
Chairperson, Department of Business Administration, North South University
June 1995 – Dec. 1998
Chief Manager, Bangladesh Krishi (i.e. Agricultural) Bank.
Sept. 1983-Aug. 1985
Officer Class I, Bangladesh Bank (i.e.Central Bank of Bangladesh).
Aug. 1982 – Sept. 1983
Assistant Statistical Officer, Bangladesh Bank.
Aug. 1980 – Aug. 1982.
Determination of Courses of Investment Climate for Undergraduate & Graduate Business Programs funded by IFC
An investigation on prices of some selected items of BRAC funded by US Jobs program
Sector mapping of light engineering sector in Bangladesh funded by SEDF
Secondary study of SMEs of 10 sub-sectors funded partly by Katalyst
In-depth Study of SMEs of 10 sub-sectors and 10 clusters by Katalyst
Prepared private placement memorandum for Haroon Leathers, & Lafarge Surman Cement Ltd.
Valuation of M/s. Van Ommeren Tank Terminal Bangladesh Ltd. As a Going Concern.
Prepared prospectus for IPOs of 10 companies till to-date
Prepared financial feasibility reports for 55 projects while working as consultant of Lithi Enterprise for about 2 years.
Working as Research Consultant for Swadesh Investment Management Ltd., a leading Merchant Bank in Bangladesh since February 1997.
Principles of Finance
Financial Analysis
Bank Management
Corporate Finance
Business Statistics
Market Micro-structure
Financial Markets & Institutions