Dr. Salma Karim

Dr. Salma Karim

Professor, SoBE & Director, BBA Program

ROOM: 216

PABX: 5101

Email: salma@bus.uiu.ac.bd


Ph.D. (Degree Conferred)

Faculty of Business Studies

University of Dhaka (2009)

External- Manchester Business School

Manchester University, UK


Master in Business Administration (MBA)

Frank Sawyer School of Management

Suffolk University, Boston, MA, USA (1999)

CGPA – 3.83 at 4.0 scale.


Master of Commerce (M. Com.) in Accounting

Department of Accounting

University of Dhaka. (Exam of 1985 ended in 1988)

First Class-11th


Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com.) in Accounting

Department of Accounting

University of Dhaka. (Exam of 1984 ended in 1986)

First Class-6th.


Higher Secondary Certificate, Commerce.

Govt. Rajendra College, Faridpur, Dhaka Board. (1981)

First Division-1st  Place in the Board merit list.


Secondary School Certificate, Humanities.

Govt. Girls’ High School, Faridpur, Dhaka Board. (1979)

First Division. Letter Marks in three subjects.


Professor in Accounting, 01/02/10 to Present
School of Business and Economics
United International University (UIU)

Director, 01/08/13 to 31/01/18
Institute of Business and Economic Research (IBER)
United International University (UIU)

Associate Professor in Accounting,  13/05/03 to 31/01/10
School of Business, Bangladesh Open University

Assistant Professor in Accounting, 31/08/95 to 12/05/03
School of Business, Bangladesh Open University

Lecturer in Accounting,  22/11/93 to 30/08/95
School of Business, Bangladesh Open University

Lecturer in Accounting, Nov. ’89 to May ’93
Dhaka City College, Dhaka

Part time Faculty in Accounting, Jan. 2000 to Dec 2009
BBA Department, North South University

Part time Faculty in Accounting, MBA and BBA, July 2009 to Jan 2010
International Business Department, Dhaka University

Part time Faculty, MBA and BBA, May 2004 to Dec 2009
Faculty of Business & Economics,
Daffodil International University, Dhaka

Part time Faculty, MBA, Sept. 2006 to Apr. 2009
IIUC, Female Campus, Dhaka

Financial Accounting Instructor, Jan. ’99 to Sept ’99
Jobs For Youth, Boston Inc. Boston, MA, USA

Additional Responsibilities, 
Director, Institute of Business and Economic Research

United International University

Activities performed 

Designed, developed and successfully launched the following programs during the tenure:

Certificate Training on Advanced Financial Analysis & Modeling Using Microsoft Excel

Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resources Management (PGDHRM), jointly offered by UIU and                      Bangladesh Society for Human Resources Management (BSHRM)

Certificate Training on Income Tax Law and Valued Added Tax

Certificate Training on Research Methodology

International Diploma in Logistics and Transport, jointly offered by UIU and Chartered Institute of Logistics     and Transport (CILT), UK

Post Graduate Diploma in Tax Management (PGDTM), jointly offered by UIU and Foundation of Chartered       Taxation of Bangladesh (FCTB)
Conducting seminars on National Budget and on other issues.

Conducting research on the feasibility of offering the international diploma in logistics and transport program.


May 01 to May 30,’98

University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.

A 30-day training program in Distance Education Concepts,Procedures and Instructional Media.


Apr. 15 to Apr. 20,’95

Bangladesh Open University, Sponsored By COL Training conducted by, Jack Koumi, Educational Media Trainer, COL. Theory of Screen Writing for Educational TV.


Apr. 29 to May 04,’95

Bangladesh Open University, Sponsored by The British Council.

Training conducted by John Jaworski, Senior Producer, BBC Education. Audio-Visual Teaching Materials – The Producer.


Oct. 08 to Oct.20,’94

Bangladesh Open University. Certificate awarded by: Central Queensland University, Australia. Fundamentals in the Design and Writing of Open Learning Materials.


May 5 to May 19,’94

Bangladesh Open University, Sponsored By COL.

Training conducted by, Tirthankar Bose, Consultant, COL.

Editing Open Learning Course-book.


Books: Writer/Author

Haque, A.K.E., Karim, S., 1995, ‘Handbook of Text Writing’, School of Business Bangladesh Open University.

Ghosh, S.N., Karim, S., 1996, ‘Introduction to Management Accounting’, School of Business Bangladesh Open University.


Books: Editor

Rahman, A., Ahmmod, S.M.M., 1995, ‘Principles of Accounting’, School of Business Bangladesh Open University.

Bala, S.K., Ahmmod, S.M.M., 1997, ‘Taxation’, School of Business Bangladesh Open University.


Study Guide: Editor

Hossain, J., 1999, ‘Marketing Management’, School of Business Bangladesh Open University.


Journal Papers


Revisiting the nexus between economic policy uncertainty, financial development, and fdi inflows in pakistan during covid-19: does clean energy matter?

Publication: International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

Author List: Ayesha Serfraz, Salma Karim, Md. Qamruzzaman

Nexus between government debt, globalization, fdi, renewable energy, and institutional quality in bangladesh

Energy EconomicsEnvironmental Economics

Publication: International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

Author List: Salma Karim, Ishrat Jahan, Md. Qamruzzaman

Does environmental degradation matter for poverty? clarifying the nexus between fdi, environmental degradation, renewable energy, education, and poverty in morocco and tunisia

Energy EconomicsEnvironmental Economics

Publication: Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Author List: Md Qamruzzaman, Sylvia Kor, Salma Karim


COVID-19, Remittance Inflows, and the Stock Market: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh

Publication: The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business

Author List: qamruzzaman, Salma karim, JAHAN, Ishrat

The Impact of Voluntary Disclosure on Firm's Value: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in Bangladesh

Publication: The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business

Author List: Md. Qamruzzaman, israt jahan, salma

Nexus between Economic Policy Uncertainty and Renewable Energy Consumption in BRIC Nations: The Mediating Role of Foreign Direct Investment and Financial Development

Publication: Energies

Author List: Md. Qamruzzaman, Salma Karim, Yongliang Zhang, Ishrat Jahan

Do Tourism and Institutional Quality Asymmetrically Effects on FDI Sustainability in BIMSTEC Countries: An Application of ARDL, CS-ARDL, NARDL, and Asymmetric Causality Test

Publication: Sustainability

Author List: Yang Yixing, Salma Karim, Md. Qamruzzaman

Do Tourism and Institutional Quality Asymmetrically Effects on FDI Sustainability in BIMSTEC Countries: An Application of ARDL, CS-ARDL, NARDL, and Asymmetric Causality Test

Publication: Sustainability

Author List: Yang Yixing, Mohd Ziaur Rehman, Md. Qamruzzaman, Salma Karim

Innovative Finance, Technological Adaptation and SMEs Sustainability: The Mediating Role of Government Support during COVID-19 Pandemic

Publication: Sustainability

Author List: Ganlin Pu, Ahmed Muneeb Mehta, Farah Naz Naqvi, Md. Qamruzzaman, Salma Karim