Dr. Seyama Sultana

Dr. Seyama Sultana

Associate Professor, School of Business & Economics (SoBE)

ROOM: 733 C

PABX: 5138

Email: seyama@bus.uiu.ac.bd



Business Administration (Marketing)

International Islamic University Malaysia (2016)

Merit Scholarship Holder


Master in Business Administration (MBA)

Faculty of Business Studies (Marketing)

University of Dhaka (2008)


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Faculty of Business Studies (Marketing)

University of Dhaka (2007)

Job Experience

Institute: United International University (UIU)

Designation: Associate Professor (School of Business & Economics)

Job Duration: From 1st April, 2017


Institute: University of Asia Pacific (UAP)

Designation: Assistant Professor (Business Administration)

Job Duration: 4th October, 2015 to 30th March, 2017


Institute: Northern University Bangladesh (NUB)

Designation: Lecturer (Business Administration)

Job Duration: 14th January, 2010 to 31st December, 2011


Institute: University of Development Alternative (UODA)

Designation: Lecturer (Business Administration)

Job Duration: 1st July, 2009 to 11th January, 2010


Organization: Smart Technologies BD Ltd.

Designation: International Marketing Executive

Job Duration: 15th November, 2008 to 31st May, 2009

Research Interest

F- Commerce, Digital Marketing, Online Marketing, Consumer Satisfaction, Branding, Tourism, International Marketing

Scholarship, Award & Fellowship

Special Achievement

International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Post Graduate Scholarship


Academic Award & Fellowship

Best Paper Award: Third Asia Pacific Business Research Conference, 25-26 February 2013, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

International Conference Session Chair: 14th Asian Business Research Conference, 30 December, 2016, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Reviewer of Research Papers (Marketing): 1st Inter- University Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) 2017, Organized by United International University (UIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh

CSR Poster Competition Judge:  Business Fest Bangladesh – 2017, Session 3, Organized by Notre Dame College, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Principles of Marketing, Marketing Management, Global Marketing, Service Marketing, Strategic Marketing, Brand Management, Consumer Behavior, Business Communication, Introduction to Business

Training & Workshop

Teaching for Active Learning: 18th May, 2017 to 20th May, 2017, Organized by Foundation of Learning, Teaching and Research (fLTR)

Bloom’s Taxonomy: March, 2016, Department of Business Administration, University of Asia Pacific (UAP)

Literature Review Writing: April, 2013, SLEU, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

Structural Equation Modeling: January, 2013, SLEU, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

Writing Thesis: July, 2012, Department of Business Administration, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

Effective Teaching Method in Business Education: July, 2011, Department of Business Administration, Northern University Bangladesh (NUB)

Primary Program of Skills Development: 2002, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka

Book Publication

Introduction to Marketing

with Special reference to Bangladesh


Mohammed A Razzaque

Md. Abdul Momen

Seyama Sultana

Publisher: Adarsha

1st Edition, 10 January 2023



Journal Article


  Title Journal and Issue Index/Country
1. Determinants of online merchants’ satisfaction on third party logistics in a developing nation: a partial least square (PLS) approach Cogent Business & Management

VOL. 11, NO. 1, 2382338, July, 2024

Scopus (Taylor & Francis)
2. Determinants of students’ satisfaction with digital classroom services: moderating effect of students’ level of study Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, 2023 Scopus (Emerald Publishing Limited)
3. Web Based Marketing Communication to Develop Brand Image and Brand Equity of higher Educational Institutions Journal of Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, 2019 Scopus, Web of Science, ADBC (Emerald)


4. International Student Satisfaction: A Comparative Study of Malaysian and Australian Higher Learning Institutions Journal of Intercultural Management, 9(1). 2017 Clark University, Poland


5. Web Based Entrepreneurship via Social Networking Sites: Bangladesh Perspective Middle-East Journal of Business, 2017 Australia
6. Determinants of the Use of Social  Networking Sites: Example of a South Asian State Middle East Journal of Business, 12(1).2017. Australia
7. Factors Affecting the Attractiveness of Medical Tourism Destination: An Empirical Study on India.


Iranian Journal of Public Health, 43(7), 867-876. 2014 Scopus, Web of Science


8. Export Performance of Malaysian Furniture Industry: Rethinking Competitiveness. Middle East Journal of Business, 9(1). 2014 Ebsco Host, Australia
9. Gaining of Competitive Advantage of Malaysian Telecommunication Products: Measure of Competitiveness. International Review of Business Research Papers, 10(2). 2013 Australia
10. Effectiveness of facebook towards online brand awareness: a study on Malaysian facebook users’ perspective. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(2), 197-203. 2014 Australia

(Research Gate Data)


11. Online Brand Awareness: Determining the Relative Importance of Facebook and Other Strategies among the Malaysian Consumers. Information Management & Business Review, 5(4). 2014 Malaysia
12. Antecedents of Attitude towards Online Advertisement: Evidence from Malaysia. Journal of Academic research on management accounting and finance, 1(1), 21-31.  2013 Malaysia
13. Online Marketing in Bangladesh: A Descriptive Study in the Context of Some Selected Click and Mortar Businesses. Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka), 5(2), 150-165


14. Exploring the Brand Image of an Islamic Higher Educational Institution: A Qualitative Approach. Middle East Journal of Business, 9(2).2014. Australia


Conference Paper


  1. Negative Impact of Social Media on Family Bonding: Lesson from Bangladesh, 4th International GCSTMR Congress 20- 22 January, 2019 Dhaka, Bangladesh
  2. Exploring International Students’ Satisfaction: A Qualitative Research on International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), 15th Asian Business Research Conference, 22-23 December, 2017, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  3. Rethinking Higher Education Branding: Determining the Role of Online Marketing Communication in Brand Image and Brand Equity Development, 2ndInternational Conference on Business Research, 26-27 May, 2016, Department of Business Administration, East West University, Dhaka Bangladesh.
  4. Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in Telecom Industry: Lesson from Grameenphone,International Conference on Business and Economics, 25-26 October, 2016, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
  5. Web Based Entrepreneurship via Social Networking Sites: Bangladesh Perspective, 14th Asian Business Research Conference, 30-31 December, 2016, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  6. “Export Performance of Malaysian Telecommunication Products: Market Prospects and challenges” Third Asia Pacific Business Research Conference, February 25-26, 2013 Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  7. “Export Performance of Malaysian Furniture Industry: Rethinking Competitiveness” Third International Conference on Global Business Environment (ICGBE- 2013) Role of Education and Technilogy, Lankawi, Malaysia, June 15-16, 2013 International Foundation for Research and Development
  8. “Online Brand Awareness: Determining the Relative Importance of Facebook and Other Strategies among the Malaysian Consumers” Second International Conference on Global Business Environment (ICGBE- 2013) Role of Education and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, February 9-10, 2013

     International Foundation for Research and Development

  1. “Antecedents of Attitude towards Online Advertisement: Evidence from Malaysia” Third International Conference on Global Business Environment (ICGBE- 2013) Role of Education and Technilogy, Lankawi, Malaysia, June 15-16, 2013 International Foundation for Research and Development
  2. “Dimensions of Ideal Leadership: Prophet Muhammad (P) as the Greatest Leader” 2nd International Conference on Management from an Islamic Perspective (ICMIP-2- 2014)
  3. Factors Influencing the Online Book Purchase Behaviour: A Conceptual Map on

Malaysian Muslim Students 2nd International Conference on Management from an Islamic Perspective (ICMIP-2- 2014)