Pre-advising (Course selection) & Final-advising (Section/time selection)
FOR Summer 2024
Course Pre-advising (Course selection) & Course Final-advising (Section/time selection) of MBA & EMBA programs for Summer-2024 trimester will be held from March 24, 2024 (Sunday) to March 31, 2024 (Sunday). In case of any difficulties, students are advised to direct visit the MBA & EMBA program office.
Please Note:
- Student must follow the class schedule of every course that s/he intends to take
- Students will not be allowed to complete final advising without course/teacher evaluation. Students must complete the course evaluation (if not yet done) before final-advising (section/time selection) to unblock their final-advising option.
- First complete course pre-advising (course selection) and then move to final-advising (section and time selection).
- Select time & section very carefully. No DROP/CHANGE will be allowed after final –advising (section/time Selection).
- If the Students are facing any difficulties during the pre-advising & final advising (course selection/section selection/conflict section), please direct visit the MBA/EMBA program office.
- Students are advised to follow the pre-advising (course selection) & final-advising (section/time Selection) instruction attached with this notice. Please click the link below for seeking any kind of assistance from other offices of the university (CITS Dept., Exam Controller’s Office, Accounts Dept., etc.).
MBA & EMBA Program Office
School of Business & Economics, UIU
Instructions for Pre-advising (course selection) & Final -advising (section/time selection) in UCAM
All MBA & EMBA students are requested to complete their Pre-advising & Final -advising for Summer-2024 through the website:
How to Log in?
- Please visit and type your Student Id and password.
- If you forget your password or never logged in before, click ‘forget password’ link and put your Student ID there. A link to reset your password will be sent to your official email address. You can reset your password from that link.
How to do Pre-advising (Course Selection)?
- To take new courses, go to Pre-advising (New Course) tab under Registration menu.
- To take retake courses, go to Pre-advising (Retake Course) tab under Registration menu.
In both cases click “Click to Take” button to take a course and click “Click to Remove” button to remove a course that you have already taken.
How to do Final-advising (section/time selection)?
- After Login, Go to Registration > Section Selection & Registration, tab under Registration menu.
- Click “Take” button under “Section” column to select a section for respective course.
- To remove selected section click on the “Remove” button under “Section Remove”
- To change a selected section click “Change” button under “Section” and then select a section for respective course.
For Any Technical Problem, Please Contact
01676414541, 01745379745